For Residents

Easily keep in touch with caregivers, staff, family, and friends through a single mobile app. This user-friendly application allows you to view all your connections at once. With its secure interface and large font choices, staying connected with loved ones, caregivers, and staff has never been simpler. 

Family and Resident Communication

Effortlessly keep in contact with your loved ones by using Notify. We offer support for calls, messages and video calls, allowing you to stay connected even when visitation is not possible. You can easily access your call and message history, making it simple to resume conversations. The interface also keeps you up to date with community-wide messaging. 

SOS Communications

Residents can avail customizable SOS controls that allow them to send precise alerts to community staff and caregivers, including their location data. Family members can also be notified quickly and easily during emergencies, based on the resident’s preference. The SOS alerts can be transmitted from any location, whether inside or outside the community. 

Book a Demonstration

Book a personal Demonstration with one of our Nurse Call & Communication experts.